We recently chatted with Li-Hsi Ho, who was born in Hong Kong and grew up in Taiwan.

Through his time studying photography in Canada, Li went from feeling uneasy with photographing any people at all, to slowly gaining confidence and finally dedicating a whole project on portraits.

“Hero” is inspired by Marvel’s movie series, but with a twist.

What’s a hero really? Does it mean you have to possess superpower or save lives?

“It’s more about the decision we make, the strength we have or the sacrifice we’ve done for someone.

It’s the bright side of humanity. Everyone can be a hero.” Li commented.

We’re honoured to share the stories of 3 such heroes with you. ✨✨Click onto each photo to find out!

These echo so strongly with us at Gump, where our superheroes are you photographers who create and capture meaningful memories for this world.

Thank you, our heroes!

Read about the other heroes by Li-Hsi Ho: https://www.lihsihophotography.com/heroes

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