As a photographer, how important is VENUE to you? If Gump offers exclusive venues for your photo shoot, would you need them?

If your answer is yes, we invite you to take 3 mins to fill out our survey, so we can better understand what you think and plan out the upcoming services for you!

Upon completion, you’ll immediately get free 100GB storage from Gump. We will also draw 1 photographer* to give away a dinner buffet for two at The Lounge at JW Marriott Hotel🤯

Wanna participate? Follow these steps:

1️⃣ Complete the questionnaire

2️⃣ Tag 3 photographers who also need venues in comment

3️⃣ You’ll get free 100GB storage from Gump

4️⃣ Winner will be notified by our team on 30 Sep (Thu)

Win A Marriott Buffet🍖

*Applicable to Hong Kong photographers only