! Spoiler Alert !

This episode, Gump collaborates with Women Photographers Malaysia to dive into the unique perspective of women photographers - or is there one?

We have two differently-amazing female photographers, Jessie Lyee Jessielyee. from Malaysia and Visala Wong Vizion Creation by Visala from Hong Kong, who will bring in their different angles to share stories on:

✨ What’s it like to be a female photographer in Malaysia & Hong Kong?

✨ How are female photographers perceived there?

✨ Challenges and perks as women photographers?

πŸ”» We also prepared a game, where the winner will be awarded an upgraded 𝙂π™ͺ𝙒π™₯ 100π™‚π˜½ Plan!

Of course - guys, girls, all welcome! πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸŽ€ πŸ‘¨πŸ½β€πŸŽ€

Unique Perspectives of Women Photographers?

Tales of Jessie Lee (Malaysia) x Visala Wong (Hong Kong)

β—¦ Date: 27 Oct 2020 (Tue)

β—¦ Time: 8-9pm HKT

β—¦ Location: Zoom link will be provided upon registration

β—¦ Language: English

SIGN UP FOR FREE: https://peggycheung.typeform.com/to/RBs4KMQh