If it's not for COVID, we’re sure the streets will be filled with ghosts, goblins and glittery fairies. Let’s get our fingers crossed, that we'll still be able to capture some spontaneous mystical moments this Halloween.

Here are some fun and spooky Halloween photography ideas you may want to try.

🦇 1. Use Props

With all of the Halloween decorations around, take advantage of the props at your disposal! Pick up a pumpkin, grab a broom or set up a photo booth.

🦇 2. Capture The Costumes, Of Course!

Snap the fantastic costumes you see this Halloween. Set up a photo shoot at home with family or capture candid shots of friends and neighbours while you’re out trick-or-treating - but be careful, people might not be as friendly and open for it this year.

🦇 3. Get Creative With Silhouettes

Silhouettes and shadows can add a little magic to any photos. Showcase a costume in a creative way while giving the background or scenery the credit it deserves.

🦇 4. Think SCARY

Skip the cutesy photos this year. Go full on scary and take eerie, goosebump-worthy photos. Play around with post-editing to up your game. Check out the examples we included!

🦇 5. Take In the Spooky Scenery

Some places offer haunted walks through abandoned buildings and spooky hayrides. If you plan on attending any of these attractions, be sure to have your camera ready.

🦇 6. Have Fun With Your Furry Friends

Do you dress your pet up for Halloween? If you don’t, you should! Just for fun… and of course, for the after shot. Post their pictures over social media. Your friends will love them!

We’d love to see how your photos turn out! Share them with us. Happy Halloween guys!

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